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The word Preparation means being prepared beforehand for any work or any purpose coming next and Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains Goal-Oriented behaviours. Motivation is what helps you loose extra weight, for instance, or pushes you to succeed a tough exam. Hence both Motivation and Preparation are interlinked.

In the world full of competitions its  important for everyone to be an achiever or a goal orienteer. The life of a student has always been tough whether he belongs to a field of C.A. an I.A.S. or whether Doctor or lawyer or engineer. Every subject and field require efforts, preparation as well as time in order to succeed and excel in any field. We see that a student is generally motivated, full of enthusiasm and energetic when they are at the initial phase of preparation, slowly and gradually a student becomes apathetic unknowingly when the preparation time is longer

There are times where we are not that focused, we might need more motivation to move ahead. While to be the one who succeeds, we have to love the process and keep going without losing focus. Clearing an examination is never that easy, we can hinge on to Google for ideas but it’s you who has to decide the right path and analyze what to study and how to study. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you gain a grasp on your subjects.


Be S.M.A.R.T
  • Create the SMART Goals: e., S-sustainable M-measurable A-achievable R-relevant T-time bound.
  • Break down your study obligations into small-sized goals, as it makes easy for the student to learn more effectively.
  • Planning is more important establish a routine and plan accordingly when and how to study.
  • Starting the studies in advance so you don’t get overwhelmed, but don’t beat yourself up if you procrastinate.
  • Occasional breaks are important… Study for an hour but study effectively in a whole day, gain all knowledge of the topic you are studying as said “little learning is a dangerous thing.”
  • Study with your mates and revise the topics thoroughly.
  • Make plans to relax: the best part of the exam is the break we get immediately after them. So, make sure to fill up your free time with the things you love. It’s a lot easier to choose a dark path where there is no end and all of a sudden you see a bright light. So, make your break remembering and energetic.
  • Use flowcharts and diagrams to learn quickly.
  • Practise all 10year past papers.
Follow the Pomodor Technique
  • Study for half an hour.
  • Take a 5-10min breaks.
  • Repeat this cycle 4-5 times a day.
  • Take a longer break.
  • Exercise daily and meditate to increase the power of learning.

Also practise writing as writing by hand on a paper makes you learn faster and is connected directly through brain and even by writing your hand forces your brain to process information in a more detailed way, which helps you load that information in your memory.

Use red pen for underlining or marking something important: as the colour red draw attention to key messages.

4 P’s to achievement
  • Plan purposefully
  • Prepare prayerfully
  • Proceed positively
  • Pursue persistently

5R Strategy

Recalling and revising the topics learned enables you to hold a strong grip on the concepts. Makes your base strong. Revise in fingertips and solve in the air in mind. Order your subjects from most important to least important. Be thoughtful and carefully make your selections.

Re-examine and make corrections. Try different methods and alternatives to solve and cross-check the solutions. Also check the question again and steps if you miss on anything. rechecking is the key towards smartness and Intelligence.

In periodic intervals always repeat and recall everything you learned. Also periodic revisions, mock tests and written practise builds confidence and reduces the chance of mistakes and time management issue. Also continual practise strengthens the form.

Make abbreviations for easy recall. Repeat formulae in mind in a short periodic intervals. Memory is a property of central nervous systems with three different classifications :- short-term, long-term and sensory memory. So make short term revision plans to retain long term memory of the learning.

Conduct your pre-assessment schedule regularly and check for latest updates, notifications, amendments, changes. Maintain consistency in your routine and make it a habit. Motivation just gets you started but the habit is what which leads you to success.

Be accountable for your own life that means taking ownership of your own actions and choices .An ability in oneself and the hard work makes you attain your Goal so keep practising stay motivated in life and keep succeeding toward your Goal. Leave your comfort zone and never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it.

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